Wednesday, April 1, 2009

F1 Grand Prix

Sunday. The main event.

Oh, and a lot of other events, too. It was a pretty full day of cars. We went to the race with our neighbors, took a picnic, enjoyed the sunshine, and made a day of it.

There were classic cars...



and a host of other cars, blackhawk, F-18, and Qantas 747 flyovers...

in addition to, of course, the F1 event itself...

One pretty cool thing they did between races was the "Ultimate Speed Comparison." They let a BMW off the line, then 39 seconds later, let a V8 supercar go, then about 20 seconds after that, let one of last year's F1 cars go. They all finished within a second of each other, but I think the V8 edged them both at the line. F1 cars are fast.

The day ended with a concert by The Who. I've got to take issue with their performance. Now, before you say to yourself "wow, I thought those tickets started at A$250, these kids must be rolling," we didn't go. And yes, I will still take issue with the show. Here's why.

I don't live far from Albert Park. 750 meters, maybe. I couldn't hear a single note. No bass line, no windmilling guitar riff, no screaming fans. For that kind of money, to get that little noise, maybe it's time that The Who retire. They can go write books or something. But seriously - go hard or go home.

Overall, a very cool event, and I'm glad I went. Do I need to rush and get tickets to Malaysia this weekend? Maybe not. But good times.

Results from the 2009 Melbourne F1 Grand Prix.

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