The forecast looked like crap, so naturally, we broke out the camping gear. But, we did it a bit differently this time. Instead of backpacking all weekend, we took the truck and did a bit of touring through the Otway National Forest and headed down to Blanket Bay in the Cape Otway National Park to meet up with our friends Bronwyn and Bryan and camped Saturday night. The rain was mostly minimal, until we went to bed, when the heavens opened.
But we camped at a cool spot, Blanket Bay.
Sunday morning we went on a little 8 km return walk to the next bay. We saw this little wallaby and his buddy, and had some good coastal views.
I thought the drive out was the highlight of the trip though, since we finally got to see koalas in the wild. There were actually quite a lot of them.
A bit further down the road, we were stopped for a bit by loose cattle.
Other than that, it was an uneventful trip home.
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